MyQ Solution
MyQ is a server-based application that streamlines and secures your document management. The embedded Print&Follow application increases printer efficiency and speeds up the printing process: instead of sending a document to a given device, users send it to the MyQ server that all the devices in the office can access. The document can then be printed from any free device. This helps reduce printing queues and increases the overall security of documents, as the device does not release the document until the sender has logged in and selected it for printing.
When it comes to copying, scanning and faxing, MyQ offers a well-structured and easy-to-use interface as well as personalised shortcuts to the settings you use most. What’s more, MyQ keeps detailed statistics about the printing costs generated per project, user or department. Users can also access their personal printing account with a conventional web browser and keep an overview of their print jobs. These features help raise awareness about printing and reduce costs.